The Ultimate Guide to Skinny Guinea Pigs: Tips for Happy, Hairless Pets

Skinny guinea pigs

Are you curious about Skinny guinea pigs, those adorable furless pets that have been taking the internet by storm?

In this ultimate guide, we’ll dive deep into the unique world of these delightful creatures, from their history and characteristics to their ideal care and requirements.

As you embark on this exciting journey, you’ll discover fascinating facts about skinny guinea pigs, such as their surprisingly varied skin colors and cute hairy patches on their nose, which resemble freckles.

By the end, you’ll be well-equipped and informed to provide the best possible home for your future skinny guinea pig.

Skinny Guinea Pigs Overview

Skinny guinea pigs, also known as hairless guinea pigs, are a unique and interesting breed of guinea pigs.

They are entirely bald, except for a bit of fluff on their legs and feet, and a cute hairy patch on their nose that looks almost like freckles.

History and Background

The breed of skinny guinea pigs originated in the 1970s in a laboratory in Montreal, Canada.

Scientists were conducting genetic research on guinea pigs when they discovered a recessive gene that caused the animals to be born without hair. This unique characteristic has since garnered a lot of attention and interest in the pet world.

Although they may look different, skinny guinea pigs still share many traits with their hairy counterparts. Their skin comes in various colors, and sometimes even different colors on one pig. They also display patterns and shades that show up on their skin tone.

Physical Characteristics

Skinny guinea pigs

Skinny guinea pigs are a unique breed with some interesting physical traits. Despite their name, they have a similar body shape to regular guinea pigs, but their most striking feature is their lack of fur.

Their skin is wrinkly and pinkish-gray, which gives them a distinctive appearance compared to their furrier counterparts.

As you’ll see, the size of skinny guinea pigs varies, but they generally range in length from 8 to 19 inches (20 to 50 cm).

In terms of weight, adult skinny guinea pigs typically weigh between 30 and 35 ounces (850 to 1000 g).

One fascinating aspect of skinny guinea pigs is their coat type. They are essentially hairless like Baldwin guinea pigs, except for some fluff on their legs and feet, and a small hairy patch on their nose that resembles freckles.

Their skin comes in various colors, and it’s not uncommon for one pig to have multiple colors on their body.

Size8 to 19 inches (20 to 50 cm)
Weight30 to 35 ounces (850 to 1000 g)
Coat TypesHairless, except for fluff on legs and nose patch
ColorVarious colors, sometimes multiple colors
Lifespan5 to 7 years
Personality Overview

Skinny guinea pigs are charming little creatures who bring joy with their energetic and social nature.

They are generally more energetic than their furry counterparts, possibly due to their lack of fur insulation, causing them to expend more energy maintaining body heat.

You’ll often find them scurrying around their enclosure, exploring their surroundings, and engaging in interactive play. Make sure to provide your guinea pig with ample space and toys to cater to their energy levels.

Remember: they are sociable creatures that thrive in pairs or small groups. They appreciate the companionship of their cavy friends and will happily socialize with their human caretakers. Investing time in getting to know your guinea pig and building a bond can reward you with a loving and interactive pet.

One of the main advantages of owning a skinny guinea pig is the lack of shedding. Their hairless nature eliminates the problem of fur sticking to their cage, your clothes, or your furniture, resulting in a cleaner environment for both you and your guinea pig.

Here’s a summary table of the skinny guinea pig’s main traits:


Comparison to Other Breeds

When looking at guinea pigs, you might notice the unique appearance of skinny pigs. They’re hairless like the Baldwin guinea pigs, with just a few hairs on their face, legs, and feet, making them an interesting choice as a pet. Let’s compare them to some other popular guinea pig breeds to give you a better understanding of their characteristics.

One remarkable breed to consider is the American guinea pig. With their short, smooth coat, they require less grooming compared to other breeds, but not as little as the skinny pig. They are also known for their friendly and curious nature. Like the skinny pig, American guinea pigs have a calm demeanor, making them great companions.

Another popular breed is the Abyssinian guinea pig. This breed has a unique coat with several rosettes, which are swirls of fur that create a visually appealing pattern. Unlike the hairless skinny pig, Abyssinian guinea pigs require regular grooming to maintain their coat. They are also more curious and active compared to skinny pigs.

A fascinating breed known for its long, silky hair is the Peruvian guinea pig. Their coat can grow up to 20 inches long and requires daily grooming, making them high-maintenance pets compared to skinny pigs. Peruvian guinea pigs are more social and may need more attention than the low-maintenance skinny pig.

Lastly, the Silkie guinea pig is another long-haired breed with a unique coat that grows backward from its head. They require regular grooming and care, just like the Peruvian guinea pig. Silkie guinea pigs are known for their more relaxed and less active nature but still require more maintenance compared to skinny pigs.

Considering these differences, you can decide which guinea pig breed aligns with your preferences and lifestyle. While hairless skinny pigs offer low-maintenance care, other breeds might appeal to you based on their appearance, grooming needs, and temperament.

Also Read: Rex Guinea Pig Care Guide

Diet and Nutrition

A well-balanced diet is essential to keep your skinny guinea pig happy and healthy. Their diet should mainly consist of hay, fresh vegetables, and a small number of pellets. Hay should make up the bulk of their diet and must be available to them at all times.

Remember to provide your guinea pig with Vitamin C-rich foods daily. This will help prevent Vitamin C deficiencies and promote overall health.

Some of the best options include vegetables like red or green pepper, broccoli, carrots, zucchini, tomato, and sweet potato. You can feed these daily, with carrots, zucchini, tomato, or sweet potato being rotated once or twice a week.

Fruit can also serve as an occasional treat for your guinea pig. Offer fruit once a day or several times a week, but remember to keep it limited as it may be high in sugar. It’s also important to maintain proper hydration for your pet by providing at least 8 ounces of water per day per guinea pig.

Here’s an example of a Weekly Meal Plan for your skinny guinea pig:

DayFresh VegetablesFruit
MondayGreen pepper, broccoli, zucchiniApple slice
TuesdayRed pepper, carrot, sweet potatoPear slice
WednesdayBroccoli, tomato, zucchiniBlackberries
ThursdayGreen pepper, carrot, sweet potatoRed grapes
FridayRed pepper, broccoli, zucchiniBanana slice
SaturdayGreen pepper, tomato, sweet potatoStrawberry
SundayRed pepper, broccoli, carrotWatermelon cube

Skinny Guinea Pig Care

skinny guinea pigs care guide

Grooming – Brushing and Haircuts

Although Skinny Guinea Pigs are almost hairless, they still need grooming to keep their skin healthy. Gently brush your Skinny Guinea Pig with a soft bristle brush once a week to remove any dirt or loose skin. Haircuts are not required for them, as they have very little hair.


Bathing is essential for Skinny Guinea Pigs because they are prone to skin issues. Bathe your pet in warm water with a mild pet shampoo every two to four weeks to keep their skin clean and moisturized. Remember to thoroughly rinse off any soap residue to avoid skin irritation.

Nail Clipping

Like all guinea pigs, Skinny Guinea Pigs need their nails trimmed regularly to maintain their overall health.

You can use guinea pig-specific nail clippers or baby nail clippers. Trim your pet’s nails every two to four weeks, making sure to avoid the quick (the pink part inside the nail) which can cause pain and bleeding if accidentally cut.

Pro Tip: Providing a rough surface in their cage, like a rough stone, can help keep nails naturally filed down.

Dental Care

Guinea pigs have continuously growing teeth, which can lead to dental problems if not properly maintained. Offer your Skinny Guinea Pig a variety of hay and chew toys to help wear down their teeth naturally. Regularly monitor their dental health, and consult a veterinarian if you notice signs of overgrown teeth or jaw misalignment.


Skinny Guinea Pig’s ears require special attention due to their hairless nature. Check your pet’s ears weekly for any dirt, wax, or debris buildup. To clean their ears, use a soft, damp cloth or cotton swab to gently wipe the outer ear area. Avoid using water or cleaners directly in the ear canal, as this can cause irritation or infection.

Handling and Socialization

Guinea pigs, especially skinny ones, are known for their friendly demeanor. To ensure a good relationship with your pet and enhance its socialization, you need to handle it regularly and establish a consistent routine.

Start by creating a comfortable and trust-filled environment for your guinea pig. Approach its cage calmly, and speak softly to it. Gradually introduce your hand inside the enclosure and let your pet explore your fingers and palm. Building trust is essential, as skinny pigs have the same docile temperament as their furry counterparts.

Remember, guinea pigs are delicate creatures, so handle them gently. Scoop them up with both hands, supporting their hind legs and chest, and hold them securely against your body.

Holding a skinny pig for the first time might feel a bit different due to their lack of fur. So, make sure you have a soft towel or blanket available to place on your lap to provide some extra warmth and comfort for your pet.

As social animals, guinea pigs thrive in pairs or small groups. Bonding with their cage mates is essential for their overall well-being. Introducing guinea pigs must be done carefully to avoid territorial issues or conflicts. Begin by providing neutral territory for their initial meeting, like a playpen or bathroom floor. Supervise interactions closely and ensure that both guinea pigs have ample treats, toys, and hideouts to distract them in case of tension or squabbles.

Establishing a routine for feeding, playtime, and cleaning is crucial for your guinea pig’s overall happiness and comfort. Stick to a consistent schedule, as any sudden changes may cause stress or discomfort for your pet.


  • Gradually build trust with your guinea pig by calmly approaching the cage and speaking softly
  • Handle your pet gently, supporting its hind legs and chest
  • Provide a soft towel or blanket during handling for warmth and comfort
  • Supervise introductions between guinea pigs and provide neutral territory
  • Establish and maintain a consistent routine for feeding, playtime, and cleaning

By following these guidelines, you’ll foster a nurturing environment where your skinny guinea pig can feel comfortable, secure, and ready for a loving, long-lasting bond with you.

Common Health Issues in Skinny Guinea Pigs

Vitamin C Deficiency (Scurvy)

Scurvy is a common issue in skinny guinea pigs due to their inability to synthesize Vitamin C on their own.

Make sure to provide your guinea pig with a diet rich in vegetables like bell peppers, kale, and spinach. You can also give your guinea pig a vitamin C supplement to prevent this issue. Symptoms of scurvy include lethargy, anorexia, and lameness.

Urinary Problems

Your skinny guinea pig may suffer from urinary problems, such as bladder stones and urinary tract infections (UTIs).

Ensure their diet is balanced and includes ample amounts of hay to promote urinary health. Consult your veterinarian if you notice any signs, like blood in urine or frequent urination, indicating urinary problems.

Pododermatitis (Bumblefoot)

Bumblefoot is a painful condition in which your guinea pig’s foot becomes inflamed and infected. Keep their cage clean and dry to prevent this issue. If you notice any signs of swelling, redness, or limping in your skinny guinea pig, consult your veterinarian for treatment.

Respiratory Infections

Skinny guinea pigs can be prone to respiratory infections, which might be caused by bacteria or viruses. Ensure their living environment is clean, well-ventilated, and stress-free. If you notice symptoms such as sneezing, nasal discharge, or difficulty breathing, seek veterinary care promptly.


Diarrhea can occur due to stress, dietary changes, or underlying issues like gastrointestinal diseases. Monitoring your guinea pig’s diet and making gradual changes can help prevent diarrhea. If your skinny guinea pig experiences diarrhea, provide fresh water, and seek veterinary advice to ensure proper treatment.

Mites Infestation

Mite infestation can cause severe discomfort and skin issues in your skinny guinea pig. Regularly check for small red or brown parasites on their skin and in their bedding. If you notice excessive scratching or hair loss, consult your veterinarian for treatment options. Regular, thorough cage cleaning can help prevent infestations.

Breeding Skinny Guinea Pigs

Considerations and Preparation

Before breeding your skinny guinea pigs, it’s important to assess their health and age. Ideally, the female should be between 4 and 8 months old, while the male should be at least 3 months old.

Ensure both guinea pigs are healthy and well-nourished to increase the likelihood of successful mating and healthy offspring.

Proper housing, such as separate cages, is essential in the early stages of the breeding process. Create a comfortable environment by providing clean bedding materials, fresh water, and a well-balanced diet that includes Vitamin C supplements. Spend some time observing your guinea pigs for any signs of illness or behavioral problems before beginning the mating process.

Mating Process

To initiate the mating process, introduce the female and male skinny guinea pigs in a neutral space.

Give them time to get acquainted before moving them into the same cage. It’s essential to monitor their behavior closely as they may display signs of either love or aggression. If the guinea pigs are compatible, the mating process will occur naturally.

During the mating process, interactions between the male and female guinea pig may be accompanied by vocalizations and various behaviors, including chasing and mounting.

Once successfully mated, the female will become pregnant with a gestation period that typically lasts about 63-70 days.

Post-Birth Care

After the birth of the guinea piglets, it is crucial to provide extra care to both the mother and her offspring. Make sure they have a clean, warm, and safe environment. Provide ample food, water, and bedding to ensure their comfort and well-being.

Mother guinea pigs are usually capable of caring for their young, but be prepared to step in if necessary. Keep a close eye on the mother for any signs of stress or health problems. Monitor the newborns for developmental progress, ensuring they are nursing regularly and gaining weight.

In conclusion, breeding skinny guinea pigs requires careful consideration, adequate preparation, and appropriate post-birth care. When these factors are in place, your guinea pigs can make wonderful pets and provide an enjoyable and educational experience for those involved in their breeding process.

Housing and Cage Size

When it comes to housing your skinny guinea pig, the first thing you should consider is the size of the cage. For a single guinea pig, a minimum of 7.5 square feet is recommended (about 30″x36″). Keep in mind that guinea pigs are social creatures, so it’s best to have at least two that get along with each other.

For a pair of guinea pigs, you’ll want a cage that’s at least 10.5 square feet (30″x50″). As you add more guinea pigs to your family, you’ll want to increase the cage size accordingly. In general, you should add 3 square feet or more for each additional guinea pig.

It’s also important to note that the height of the cage should be at least 12 to 18 inches tall to offer enough space for your guinea pig to roam around comfortably.

As you set up your guinea pig’s cage, make sure to provide adequate bedding, hiding spots, and a designated area for your guinea pig to use as a bathroom. When choosing bedding, look for materials that are safe and absorbent, such as paper-based bedding or pellet-based options.

Arrange various toys and accessories within the cage to keep your guinea pig entertained and engaged. Providing tunnels, ramps, and chew toys can help make their environment more stimulating and enjoyable.

Lastly, don’t forget to maintain a clean and hygienic environment for your skinny guinea pig. This includes regularly changing the bedding and cleaning the cage to prevent the buildup of bacteria and unpleasant odors.

Essential Supply List

In addition to a good cage, here are the must-have items for your guinea pigs:

  1. Beddings and Cage Liners:
    Use soft, absorbent bedding to keep your guinea pigs comfortable and dry. Avoid using cedar or pine shavings, as they contain harmful chemicals. Instead, opt for paper-based bedding or fleece liners.
  2. Hiding Places:
    Guinea pigs need hiding places to feel safe and secure. Provide at least one hiding place per guinea pig, such as wooden houses or plastic domes.
  3. Food and Water Supplies:
    Provide fresh drinking water, hay, and supplement pellets to maintain a balanced diet for your guinea pigs. Use sturdy, non-tip bowls for both food and water to keep their living area clean.
  4. Tunnels, Hideouts, and Bridges:
    Incorporate tunnels, hideouts, and bridges to stimulate exercise and play. This will keep your guinea pigs entertained and promote a sense of well-being.
  5. Chew Toys:
    Guinea pigs need chew toys to maintain their dental health. Toys made from untreated wood, hay, and bamboo are safe options.
  6. Grooming Tools:
    Even though skinny guinea pigs don’t have fur, they still require grooming. Use a soft brush to keep their skin healthy and remove any dirt or debris.
  7. Carrier for Transport:
    Invest in a secure and well-ventilated carrier for safe transportation during vet visits or when traveling.

Where to Get Skinny Guinea Pigs

Buying In Online and Offline Stores

Searching for a skinny guinea pig to add to your family? There are plenty of online and offline stores that offer these unique pets.

Online stores can provide a convenient way to shop for your new pet from the comfort of your own home. Many pet stores also carry a variety of guinea pig breeds, including skinny pigs.

When buying from an online store, make sure to:

  • Research the store’s reputation and read customer reviews.
  • Ensure they provide proper care information and a health guarantee for your new pet.
  • Communicate with the seller to ask questions and confirm the availability of skinny pigs.

For offline purchases:

  • Visit local pet stores and inquire about the availability of skinny guinea pigs.
  • Check to see if the store is clean, well-maintained, and the animals appear healthy.
  • Discuss with the store staff regarding the proper care and needs of a skinny pig.


Adopting a skinny guinea pig is a great alternative to purchasing one from a store. Many guinea pig rescue organizations and shelters have skinny pigs in need of loving homes.

Consider contacting local rescue organizations to inquire about available skinny pigs for adoption.

When considering adoption:

  • Reach out to local shelters or rescue organizations.
  • Prepare for a potential adoption process, including a home visit or interview.
  • Ensure you have the necessary supplies, such as a proper cage and feeding equipment, before bringing home your new pet.

By choosing to adopt, you’re not only providing a loving home to a skinny guinea pig in need but also helping reduce overpopulation and the number of neglected pets.

Remember to always ask questions and seek advice from experienced guinea pig owners or professionals to provide the best care to your new furry friend.

Quick Care Reference Table

Taking care of your skinny guinea pig is an important responsibility. To make things easier, we’ve created a Quick Care Reference Table that breaks down daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. This will help you stay organized and ensure your pet receives the best care possible.

Fresh water  
Spot cleaning  
Vitamin C supplement  
Full cage cleaning  
Nail trimming  
Vet checkup*  

*Note: Vet checkups are recommended annually, but it’s essential to monitor your skinny guinea pig’s health throughout the year.

Daily Tasks:

Your skinny guinea pig needs a balanced diet of pellets, hay, and fresh vegetables each day. Don’t forget to provide fresh water and make sure it’s always available. Spot clean the cage to remove any waste and ensure their living environment is clean.

It’s essential to give your skinny guinea pig a vitamin C supplement since they cannot produce this vitamin on their own. You can mix it with their water or provide it through vitamin C-rich foods like bell peppers or leafy greens.

Weekly Tasks:

At least once a week, perform a full cage cleaning. This includes removing all bedding and replacing it with fresh material, as well as thoroughly cleaning the cage itself with a pet-safe cleaner. Check their nails to see if they need trimming but this will likely be a monthly task.

Monthly Tasks:

Once a month, trim your skinny guinea pig’s nails to prevent overgrowth and injury. Familiarize yourself with the proper technique before attempting this task.

While vet checkups are suggested annually, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on your pet’s health and behavior throughout the year. If you notice any changes or signs of illness, schedule a vet appointment right away.

Remember, consistent care and attention will keep your skinny guinea pig happy and healthy. Following this Quick Care Reference Table will make your life easier and ensure your pet receives the care they deserve.


Do Skinny Guinea Pigs Get Along With Other Guinea Pig Breeds?

Yes, Skinny Guinea Pigs are social and outgoing animals just like other guinea pig breeds. They enjoy the company of their pals, whether they are other guinea pigs or their owners. Make sure to introduce new companions slowly and under supervision to ensure a smooth transition.

Do Skinny Guinea Pigs Get Along With Other Pets?

While Skinny Guinea Pigs might get along with other pets, it’s important to remember that they’re more vulnerable due to their lack of fur. In general, supervised interactions with other pets might work, but it’s advised to keep them separated from larger animals or those with strong predatory instincts.

How Much Does It Cost to Buy a Skinny Guinea Pig?

The cost of a Skinny Guinea Pig can vary depending on factors like availability, location, and the breeder. Typically, prices may range from $40 to over $100.

Remember that the initial price is just a fraction of the total cost of owning a pet, as you’ll also need to consider expenses like food, bedding, and veterinary care.

How Long Do Skinny Guinea Pig Live?

Skinny Guinea Pigs have a similar lifespan to their furry counterparts, which is typically around 5 to 7 years. Providing a proper diet, a clean and safe living environment, and regular veterinary checkups can help ensure a long and healthy life for your pet.

Are Skinny Guinea Pigs Easy Pets?

In general, Skinny Guinea Pigs are relatively easy pets to care for. However, they do require extra attention to their skin due to the lack of fur. This includes regular cleaning and extra care in maintaining the right temperature and humidity in their environment.

Are Skinny Guinea Pigs Better for Indoor or Outdoor?

Skinny Guinea Pigs are better suited for indoor living due to their vulnerability to temperature fluctuations and the elements. Keeping them indoors allows you to provide a consistent environment and monitor their health.

Are Skinny Guinea Pigs Carnivores, Herbivores, or Omnivores?

Like all guinea pigs, Skinny Guinea Pigs are herbivores. Their diet should consist of a variety of fresh vegetables, fruits, and high-quality hay. Avoid feeding them meat or animal byproducts.

Are Skinny Guinea Pigs Rare?

They are not extremely rare, but they are less common than their furry counterparts. The breed was created in the 1970s and has since gained popularity as pets mainly due to their unique appearance.

Do Skinny Guinea Pigs Bite?

While Skinny Guinea Pigs are generally gentle creatures, they may bite if they feel threatened or stressed. It’s essential to handle them with care and respect their boundaries to avoid bites. If properly socialized and cared for, biting incidents should be minimal.

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