About Us
This is a website with a passion for guinea pigs. Everything related to those cute, furry (and also not furry), little monsters. We will do our best to provide to highest quality information regarding to their health, nutrition, etc.
If you have one and wants to share your story or ask for guidance, please contact us and we would be happy to assist.
Our Team
Danielle is the founder of Guinea Pig Site. It took her daughter 4.5 of convincing until she finally caved in and bought her a guinea pig. Danielle fell in love with guinea pigs and after 3 weeks she had 2 more. She started the site to learn more about them and teach what she knew.
Boris is a veterinarian of a small house pets. In addition, he is a proud owner of two guinea pigs. His professionalism is shown on the many articles he contributed to the website. You can even see his guinea pigs feature here and there in some articles.
Keep in touch
Email address:
Telephone number
10807 Falls Rd, Suite #254
Brooklandville, MD 21022