The Ultimate Guide to Texel Guinea Pigs: Care, Tips, and Facts

Adult texel guinea pig in front of white background.

Texel Guinea Pigs are known for their unique appearance and curly hair. As a guinea pig enthusiast, you might be interested in learning more about this distinctive breed.

In this ultimate guide, we will explore the traits, care requirements, and tips for owning a Texel Guinea Pig, ensuring you have all the information you need to create a happy and healthy environment for your new furry friend.

In the following sections, we’ll delve into the specifics of Texel Guinea Pigs’ temperament, grooming needs, diet, and health considerations, giving you a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to care for one of these remarkable animals.

Texel Guinea Pigs Overview

History and Background

Texel guinea pigs are a unique and charming breed that boasts captivating curly fur. They originated in the United Kingdom in the late 20th century. These enchanting creatures resulted from the crossbreeding of a Silkie guinea pig and a Rex guinea pig, inheriting their unique curly fur from the Rex lineage.

Physical Characteristics

Texel Guinea Pigs

One prominent feature is their curly coat. Texel Guinea Pigs have long, soft, wavy hair, which creates a cuddly appearance. Their curls cover their entire body, including their belly, giving them a plush, round look. Another distinct trait of Texels is their round, full body shape. This breed has a compact, cobby body that contributes to their undeniable charm. Their faces are broad and round, amplifying their endearing appearance.

When it comes to their size and weight, Texels are relatively small compared to other guinea pig breeds. They usually grow between 8-10 inches in length and weigh between 1.5-3 lbs. Their smaller stature makes them easy to handle and care for.

Texels come in a variety of colors and patterns- not unlike the Alpaca guinea pigs. This adds to their visual appeal. Some common colors include white, black, brown, and grey, with combinations of these hues appearing in various patterns. They also have whiskers called vibrissae. They also have tiny tongues. This diversity in coloration ensures that the right Texel Guinea Pig for your household is out there, waiting to be discovered.

Here’s a summary table of the breed’s key characteristics:

CharacteristicTexel Guinea Pig
Size8-10 inches
Weight1.5-3 lbs
Coat TypesLong, curly, wavy
ColorVarious colors and patterns
Lifespan5-7 years

Also Read: Ultimate Guide to Abyssinian Guinea Pig

Personality Overview

Texel Guinea Pigs are known for their fun and engaging personalities. As a pet owner, you will quickly notice how friendly and curious these little creatures can be. They love to explore their surroundings and interact with their human companions.

Being social animals, Texel Guinea Pigs thrive on companionship, both from humans and other guinea pigs. However, each guinea pig has its own unique personality, so it is important to remember that bonding with them may take some time and patience. Remember to be gentle and handle them with care, as this will help you earn their trust and build a strong relationship.

Another significant aspect of Texel Guinea Pigs is their distinctive appearance. With their curly coats, they can be quite a conversation starter among friends and fellow pet lovers. Be prepared to spend time grooming them regularly, as their unique coat requires maintenance to prevent matting and discomfort.

Here is a table summarizing the breed’s characteristics:

EnergyModerate energy levels; enjoy exercise and playtime
HealthGenerally healthy but require regular grooming
SociabilityHighly social with both humans and other guinea pigs
SheddingModerate shedding; curly coat requires maintenance

Comparison to Other Breeds

guinea pig breeds

When it comes to guinea pigs, there are several breeds you might consider as pets, each with unique qualities. The Texel guinea pig, for example, is an appealing breed due to its distinctive appearance and curly coat.

As a Texel guinea pig owner, it’s interesting to compare your little friend to other popular breeds like the Teddy guinea pig and the silky. Understanding their differences can help you better appreciate and care for your Texel guinea pig.

Curly vs. Straight Hair

One of the most noticeable differences between Texel guinea pigs and other breeds is their curly hair. Unlike the smooth, straight hair of the Silky guinea pig, Texels have ringlet-type curls that give them a unique and adorable look. On the other hand, Teddy guinea pigs have short, wiry, kinky coats that can be quite soft to the touch.

Grooming Needs

Due to their curly fur, Texel guinea pigs require more grooming than some other breeds. Their grooming needs are at par with those of Peruvian Guinea pigs and Ridegback guinea pigs. Regular brushing is essential to prevent matting and keep their curls looking their best. In contrast, silky guinea pigs need less frequent grooming, while Teddy guinea pigs usually require just a quick brush once a week to keep their coat in top shape.

Personality Traits

While each guinea pig has its individual personality, some general characteristics often vary between breeds. Many Texel guinea pig owners report that their pets are more laid back and gentle compared to other breeds. Both Teddy and Silky guinea pigs have playful personalities, but they might be a bit more active or assertive than their Texel counterparts.

Suitability for Showing

If you’re interested in showing your guinea pig, the Texel, Teddy, and Silky breeds can all participate in competitions. However, the unique and eye-catching appearance of the Texel guinea pig is sure to stand out in the show ring. Ensure you’re familiar with the breed’s specific standards and prepare your pet accordingly before entering any contests.

Diet and Nutrition

Your Texel Guinea Pig requires a well-balanced diet to maintain optimum health. Providing a variety of high-quality and nutritious foods will not only help keep your pet happy but also ensure they have proper nutritional intake.


The foundation of your guinea pig’s diet should be unlimited hay, which is crucial for their dental and digestive health. Timothy hay is an excellent choice for adult Texel Guinea Pigs, while younger ones can be given alfalfa hay.

Fresh Veggies

Also important to their diet are fresh vegetables, such as leafy greens, bell peppers, and cucumber. These add variety, hydration, and essential nutrients such as Vitamin C to their meal plan. Remember, guinea pigs cannot synthesize Vitamin C and need a daily dose.

Here’s a Weekly Meal Plan for your Texel Guinea Pig:

DayVegetable 1Vegetable 2Vegetable 3Treat
MondayRomaine LettuceBell PeppersCucumberSmall Carrot
TuesdayKaleZucchiniCelerySmall Apple Slice
WednesdayGreen Leaf LettuceCauliflowerBroccoliTiny Tomato Piece
ThursdayRed Leaf LettuceTurnip GreensSquashSmall Berry
FridayBok ChoyBell PeppersCabbageTiny Grape Piece
SaturdaySwiss ChardCarrot TopsBrussel SproutsSmall Parsley Sprig
SundaySpinachCollard GreensBean SproutsSmall Melon Slice


Specifically designed pellets for guinea pigs should also be provided daily, approximately 1/8 cup per guinea pig. Make sure they’re timothy-based rather than alfalfa-based for adults. These pellets will help reinforce the necessary nutrients, such as Vitamin C, for your Texel Guinea Pig.


Lastly, don’t forget fresh water! Make sure clean and fresh water is always available for your pet, preferably in a water bottle to prevent contamination with hay or bedding.

Texel Guinea Pig Care

Grooming – Brushing and Haircuts

Texel guinea pigs have long, curly hair that requires regular grooming to prevent tangles and matting. You should brush your Texel’s coat gently with a soft bristle brush at least once a week. When brushing, be sure to work your way through the entire coat layer by layer and avoid pulling on any knots. Gently trim any matted areas with a pair of small, sharp scissors.


While it’s important to keep your Texel’s coat clean, guinea pigs don’t typically enjoy baths. Only bathe your guinea pig when it is necessary (e.g. if excessively dirty or for medical reasons). To bathe your Texel, fill a small basin or sink with an inch of lukewarm water.

Hold your guinea pig firmly and use a soft washcloth to gently clean their coat. Be sure to avoid getting water in their ears or eyes. Rinse with a gentle stream of water and dry your guinea pig thoroughly with a clean towel before allowing it to air dry in a warm environment.

Nail Clipping

Regular nail clipping is essential in maintaining your Texel guinea pig’s health. Using a small pair of nail clippers, trim their nails every two to four weeks. Be careful not to cut the quick (the pink, sensitive area within the nail), as this may cause discomfort and bleeding. If you’re unsure how to clip your guinea pig’s nails, a veterinarian or an experienced pet owner can provide guidance.

Dental Care

Guinea pigs’ teeth continuously grow throughout their lives, so providing adequate dental care is crucial. Provide your Texel guinea pig with chew toys and a variety of fibrous foods, such as hay, to help naturally wear down their teeth. Regularly monitor your pet’s teeth for signs of overgrowth or misalignment. If you notice any issues, consult with a veterinarian for proper dental care.


Check your Texel guinea pig’s ears regularly for any buildup of dirt or debris. To clean their ears, use a damp cloth or cotton ball to gently wipe the outer surfaces. Avoid using cotton swabs or inserting anything into the ear canal, as this may cause damage or irritation. If you notice any signs of infection or excessive buildup, consult a veterinarian for proper care.


Handling your Texel guinea pig is a crucial aspect of their socialization process. It’s important to start handling them at a young age to ensure they become comfortable with human interaction. When you first bring your guinea pig home, give them a day or two to adjust to their new environment before you start handling them.

To properly handle your Texel guinea pig, approach them calmly and slowly. Gently scoop them up with both hands, supporting their chest and back legs. Make sure to hold them close to your body so they feel safe and secure. Avoid making sudden movements, as it might scare them and make the socialization process more difficult.


Like the Abyssinian guinea pig, the Texel guinea pigs can be quite social animals, so it’s essential to provide them with regular interaction and playtime. They enjoy spending time with other guinea pigs, which can help with their overall social development. Introduce new guinea pigs gradually and under supervision to ensure they get along well.

It’s also beneficial to expose your Texel guinea pig to a variety of people, as this will help them become more comfortable around different individuals. Encourage friends and family members to gently handle and interact with your guinea pig, ensuring they use proper handling techniques to minimize stress and potential injury.

Mental Stimulation and Enrichment

Incorporating toys and various accessories in their living space can also help develop their social skills and keep them mentally stimulated. Providing them with tunnels, hiding places, and chew toys can help your Texel guinea pig stay happy and engaged.

Remember, patience is key when it comes to handling and socializing your Texel guinea pig. With consistent, gentle interactions, they will gradually become more comfortable and trusting towards you and other people, making them a lovely, sociable companion.

Common Health Issues in Texel Guinea Pigs

Vitamin C Deficiency (Scurvy)

Texel guinea pigs, like all guinea pigs, require a diet rich in vitamin C to prevent scurvy. Your guinea pig may develop symptoms like weakness, swollen joints, and bleeding gums if they have a vitamin C deficiency. To prevent scurvy, ensure you provide your guinea pig with fresh fruits, vegetables, and a vitamin C supplement.

Urinary Problems

Urinary problems, such as urinary tract infections and bladder stones, can occur in Texel guinea pigs. To help prevent these issues, keep your pet’s living area clean and provide fresh water regularly. Increase the amount of hay in their diet to promote healthy digestion and bladder function. If you notice blood in their urine or they exhibit signs of pain during urination, consult your veterinarian.

Pododermatitis (Bumblefoot)

Texel guinea pigs can develop a painful condition known as pododermatitis or bumblefoot, which is inflammation of the feet. Keep your guinea pig’s living area clean and ensure their bedding is changed frequently to minimize the risk of developing this condition. If you notice swelling or redness on their feet, seek veterinary assistance immediately.

Respiratory Infections

Respiratory infections are common in guinea pigs and can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungal agents. To help prevent respiratory infections, keep your guinea pig’s living environment clean and well-ventilated. If your guinea pig shows signs of labored breathing, nasal discharge, or lethargy, consult your veterinarian as soon as possible.


Diarrhea can occur in Texel guinea pigs due to various reasons, such as dietary changes or bacterial infections. To help prevent diarrhea, ensure your guinea pig has a consistent and high-quality diet, including hay and fresh vegetables. If diarrhea occurs, monitor your pet closely and consult your veterinarian if it persists or worsens.

Mites Infestation

Mites can be a common issue for Texel guinea pigs, causing irritation, itching, and hair loss. Regularly check your guinea pig’s skin and fur for signs of mites or other parasites. If you suspect a mite infestation, consult your veterinarian for appropriate treatment options. Prevention includes keeping your guinea pig’s living environment clean and treating any new bedding before use.

Breeding Texel Guinea Pigs

Considerations and Preparation

Before breeding your Texel guinea pigs, research the breed to understand their specific needs. A healthy guinea pig pair and a proper living environment are crucial for successful breeding. Ensure both guinea pigs are of appropriate age (ideally between 4 and 8 months), and screen them for any health issues or genetic disorders.

Create a comfortable and safe environment for the breeding pair. Their cage should be spacious, well-ventilated, and filled with nesting materials such as hay or soft bedding. Provide a balanced diet, including fresh fruits, vegetables, and guinea pig pellets. Lastly, it’s essential to monitor the guinea pigs’ behavior and interaction to ensure they are getting along well.

Mating Process

Introduce the male and female guinea pigs into a neutral territory to encourage bonding. Observe their behavior, ensuring they show interest in one another without aggression. If they get along, gradually increase their time together in the breeding enclosure.

Female guinea pigs have a gestation period of around 59 to 72 days, and you should expect a litter of 1 to 5 pups. Track the pregnancy progress by performing regular check-ups and providing a knowledgeable veterinarian assistance if needed.

Post-Birth Care

Once the pups are born, ensure the mother is comfortable and has access to ample food and water. The pups will rely on their mother’s milk for the first few weeks, and she will need extra nutrients during this time. Keep an eye on the mother-baby interaction, and remove the male guinea pig to prevent unwanted pregnancy soon after birth.

The pups will start eating solid food at around 2 weeks of age. At this stage, introduce proper guinea pig diet into their meals. By 3 weeks old, male pups should be separated from their mother and sisters to prevent potential mating.

Monitoring the health of both the mother and her pups is crucial during the post-birth period. If you encounter any issues or concerns, consult with your veterinarian for additional guidance and support.

Housing and Cage Size

When choosing a cage for your Texel Guinea Pig, it’s essential to balance their requirements with the available space in your home. A properly sized cage will provide a comfortable and safe environment for your pet.

The ideal cage size for a single Texel Guinea Pig is at least 7.5 square feet, which is approximately 30 inches by 36 inches. If you plan to have multiple guinea pigs, you should increase the cage size accordingly. For example, consider a 10.5 square feet cage for a pair of guinea pigs.

Cage material

Select a cage that is made of sturdy materials to ensure your guinea pig’s safety. Wire bars are commonly used, but plastic or glass enclosures can also work well. Avoid wooden cages, as they can absorb moisture and are difficult to clean.


Choose a cage with multiple access points for easy cleaning and feeding. Top and side openings are preferable, as they provide better access without disturbing your pet.


Provide a suitable bedding material like paper, aspen shavings, or hemp to keep your guinea pig comfortable. Avoid cedar and pine shavings, as these can cause respiratory issues.


Make sure the cage offers proper ventilation to maintain a healthy environment for your Texel Guinea Pig. Wire-sided cages usually provide the best airflow.


Lastly, place your guinea pig’s cage in a quiet, draft-free area of your home. This will help ensure that your pet feels secure and comfortable in their new environment. With these tips in mind, you’ll create an ideal home for your Texel Guinea Pig to thrive!

Essential Supply List

To help you provide the best care for your Texel guinea pig, it’s important to have a well-stocked supply of essential items. Here are the key items you should have on hand:

A spacious cage

Ensure your Texel guinea pig has enough room to play and explore. A cage that’s at least 30 x 36 inches is recommended, with a solid floor to protect their curly hair from getting dirty or tangled.


Opt for absorbent and odor-controlling bedding to keep your guinea pig’s living area clean and comfortable. Avoid cedar and pine shavings, as they can cause respiratory problems. Consider using paper-based bedding or fleece liners instead.

Hay and pellets

Your Texel guinea pig’s diet should primarily consist of high-quality hay, typically timothy hay. Additionally, provide guinea pig pellets specifically formulated for their nutritional needs. Fresh hay should always be available, and pellets can be offered in a small dish.

Fresh vegetables

Treat your pet to small portions of fresh vegetables daily. Leafy greens like kale, lettuce, or spinach are great choices. Texel guinea pigs enjoy a variety of veggies but remember to introduce new ones gradually to prevent digestive upset.

Water bottle

A water bottle with a sipper tube is ideal for keeping your Texel guinea pig hydrated. Make sure to clean and refill it daily, ensuring your pet has access to fresh water at all times.

Hideout and toys

Provide your Texel guinea pig with a secure, cozy hideout to retreat to when they need some privacy. Add some toys to keep them entertained, such as chew toys, tunnels, or ramps for climbing.

Grooming supplies

A soft brush will help you remove loose hair and keep your Texel guinea pig’s curls tidy. Regular grooming is vital for this breed, as their curly hair can easily become matted without proper care.

By having these essential supplies on hand, you’ll be well-prepared to care for your Texel guinea pig and ensure they remain happy and healthy throughout their life.

Hay feeder

A hay feeder can be a convenient addition to your pet’s habitat, keeping hay organized and easily accessible. It can attach to the side of the cage, reducing mess and waste.

By incorporating some of these optional supplies into your pet-care routine, you can create a more enriching environment for your Texel Guinea Pig. Remember that every animal is unique, and ultimately, it’s up to you to determine which items are best suited to meet your pet’s individual needs.

Where to Get Texel Guinea Pigs

Buying In Online and Offline Stores

When you’re looking to buy Texel Guinea Pigs, you have various options for both online and offline stores. To find a reputable breeder, consider checking online forums dedicated to guinea pigs and searching for dedicated breeder websites. Look for a breeder who prioritizes the animals’ health and welfare, and ensures that they have a good reputation among fellow guinea pig enthusiasts.

For offline options, you can visit local pet stores to see if they have Texel Guinea Pigs available. However, it’s essential to do your research on the store’s reputation and how they source their animals. You want to ensure that the guinea pigs come from a healthy and ethical background.

When buying Texel Guinea Pigs, remember to check for:

  • Healthy cage conditions
  • Guinea pigs with bright eyes and clean coats
  • Responsive and energetic behavior


Another fantastic option is adopting a Texel Guinea Pig in need of a loving home. Several organizations and rescue centers shelter guinea pigs looking for their forever home, and you might find a Texel among them. Start by searching online for local guinea pig rescue centers or animal shelters with guinea pigs available for adoption.

Adopting a Texel Guinea Pig is an excellent opportunity to give an animal in need a second chance at a happy and healthy life with you. Here’s what to consider when adopting:

  • Be prepared to give the guinea pig time and patience as it adjusts to its new home
  • Ensure the shelter conducted a health check and is providing proper documentation
  • Ask about the guinea pig’s history, including previous owners and any medical concerns

Quick Care Reference Table

Daily ResponsibilitiesWeekly ResponsibilitiesFreshwater
Fresh waterClean cageCheck for parasites
Pelleted foodBathe with a gentle pet shampoo (if needed)Trim hair (if needed)
HayCheck teeth and nail lengthVeterinary checkups (as needed)
Spot clean cageExamine coat for matting or tangles 
Offer some fresh veggies (e.g., bell peppers, cucumber)  

Incorporating these daily, weekly, and monthly responsibilities into your routine will help ensure your Texel Guinea Pig remains happy, healthy, and comfortable. Taking good care of your little friend will strengthen your bond and bring joy to both of your lives.


Do Texel Guinea Pigs Get Along With Other Guinea Pig Breeds?

Yes, Texel guinea pigs generally get along with other guinea pig breeds. Just like any other guinea pig, they enjoy socializing and living in pairs or small groups. Make sure to provide adequate space and resources so they can coexist peacefully. It is also important to introduce them gradually and monitor their interactions.

Do Texel Guinea Pigs Get Along With Other Pets?

Texel guinea pigs can potentially get along with other pets, such as rabbits or other small animals, but this can greatly depend on the individual temperaments of the animals involved. Be cautious in introducing your Texel guinea pig to other pets and always supervise their interactions to ensure the safety and well-being of all animals.

How Much Does It Cost to Buy a Texel Guinea Pig?

The price of a Texel guinea pig can vary depending on the breeder, location, and availability. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $20 to $50 for a Texel guinea pig. Keep in mind that additional costs, such as housing, bedding, food, and vet care, should also be factored into your budget.

How Long Do Texel Guinea Pig Live?

Texel guinea pigs have a lifespan similar to other guinea pig breeds, typically living around 5 to 7 years. Providing them with a healthy diet, a clean and spacious living environment, and proper veterinary care can help ensure a long and happy life.

Are Texel Guinea Pigs Easy Pets?

Texel guinea pigs are generally easy to care for as pets. However, they require slightly more attention to grooming due to their long, curly hair. Regular brushing is necessary to avoid tangles and matted fur, which can lead to discomfort or health issues. Other than their unique grooming needs, Texel guinea pigs are similar to other guinea pig breeds in terms of care and maintenance.

Are Texel Guinea Pigs Better for Indoor or Outdoor?

It is recommended to house Texel guinea pigs indoors, as their long, curly hair can easily become dirty and tangled when exposed to outdoor elements. An indoor environment is also more temperature-controlled, providing a consistent and comfortable living space for your Texel guinea pig.

Are Texel Guinea Pigs Carnivores, Herbivores, or Omnivores?

Texel guinea pigs are herbivores, just like all guinea pig breeds. Their diet should consist of high-quality timothy hay, fresh vegetables, and guinea pig pellets. Treats, such as fruit, can also be given in moderation but should not make up a large portion of their diet.

Are Texel Guinea Pigs Rare?

Texel guinea pigs are not extremely rare, but they are less common than some other guinea pig breeds due to their unique appearance and grooming requirements. However, they can still be found through breeders, pet stores, and adoption organizations.

Do Texel Guinea Pigs Bite?

Like any guinea pig, Texel guinea pigs may bite if they feel threatened, scared, or in pain. Biting is generally a last resort for guinea pigs to communicate their discomfort or fear. Handling your Texel guinea pig gently, and consistently can help build trust and minimize the likelihood of biting.

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