The Ultimate Guide to Baldwin Guinea Pigs: Discover Top Care Tips and Facts

Baldwin Guinea Pigs

Baldwin guinea pigs are a fascinating and unique breed of hairless guinea pigs that are sure to pique your interest.

Known for their adorable appearance and specific care requirements, these little critters offer a rare opportunity to learn about the diversity of guinea pig breeds. In this ultimate guide, you’ll discover everything you need to know about Baldwin guinea pigs and how to offer them the best possible care.

Whether you’re an experienced guinea pig enthusiast or just starting to explore the world of these captivating creatures, this ultimate guide is here to provide you with valuable information about the charming and rare Baldwin guinea pig.

Baldwin Guinea Pigs Overview

Baldwin Guinea Pigs

History and Background

Baldwin Guinea Pigs, also known as the “American Hairless” guinea pig, originated due to a spontaneous genetic mutation that occurred in a colony of laboratory guinea pigs in California in the 1970s.

Carol Miller’s white-crested guinea pigs were the basis for this exceptional breed. When Baldwin guinea pigs are born, they have a regular coat of fur, which falls out within a few days.

Baldwin guinea pigs

As one of the rare breeds and being hairless, you’ll need to keep your Baldwin guinea pig in a slightly warmer environment. Their skin has a rubbery texture, numerous wrinkles, and large droopy ears. Interestingly, these guinea pigs can showcase all the colors and patterns that haired guinea pigs have, such as Dutch, tortoiseshell, broken colors, Himalayan, and selves.

Taking care of a Baldwin guinea pig involves some unique considerations due to their hairlessness. For example, providing them with a warm and cozy living environment is crucial. You might also want to give your pet additional bedding to keep them comfortable and warm.

Physical Characteristics

Baldwin Guinea Pigs are definitely a unique breed with their distinctive lack of fur and endearing appearance. When observing their physical traits, one can’t help but notice their wrinkly skin and big droopy ears, which have developed from their white-crested guinea pig ancestors.

Since they are hairless, it’s important to remember that they need a slightly warmer environment than their furry counterparts. Their skin has a rubbery texture and is often covered in wrinkles, especially around the neck area. Given the absence of fur, Baldwin Guinea Pigs come in various colors and patterns, just like their furry relatives .

Here’s a quick summary of some important details regarding Baldwin Guinea Pigs:

SizeSimilar to other guinea pigs
WeightVaries by age and health
Coat TypeHairless
ColorVarious colors and patterns
LifespanSimilar to other guinea pigs

Personality Overview

Baldwin guinea pigs have quite charming personalities. Just like other guinea pigs, they are social animals and love interacting with their fellow cavies and humans. They might be a little shy at first, but once they get to know you, they will shower you with love and affection.

Baldwins are known to be intelligent and curious creatures, eager to explore their surroundings and play with various toys.

Here’s a brief overview of Baldwin guinea pig’s characteristics:

ModerateGood, with special attention to skin careHighly sociableNone (hairless)

Keep in mind that, just like humans, each Baldwin guinea pig can have its own unique personality. Some may be more energetic or shy than others, so it’s essential to spend time bonding with your hairless friend to understand their needs and preferences better.

Comparison to Other Breeds

guinea pig breeds

When considering a Baldwin guinea pig as a pet, it’s important to compare it to other breeds, so you can make an informed decision. Here’s how Baldwins stack up against some common breeds of guinea pigs.


The most noticeable difference between Baldwin guinea pigs and other breeds is their lack of hair. Other breeds, such as the American guinea pig (short-haired), Alpaca guinea pig, and the Abyssinian guinea pig (rough-coated), have fur covering their bodies. Some breeds, like the white crested guinea pig, feature a distinctive fur pattern, such as a white crest or rosette on their heads.

Skinny Pigs

Another hairless breed is the Skinny Pig, which has some fine hairs on its body. Although both Baldwins and Skinny pigs lack fur, they are the result of different recessive genes, meaning that their hairlessness comes from distinct genetic backgrounds.

Temperature Requirements

Because they don’t have fur to insulate them, Baldwin guinea pigs need to live in warmer environments as compared to their furry counterparts. The ideal room temperature for a hairless guinea pig is between 72°F and 75°F (21°C to 24°C), which is slightly higher than the standard guinea pig’s preferred temperature.


Despite their unique physical appearance, Baldwin guinea pigs share many common traits with other guinea pig breeds like Texel guinea pigs.

They are social, and friendly, and they love interacting with their human caretakers. Their general care, such as diet, cage set-up, and exercise requirements, remains the same as other guinea pig breeds. However, extra attention is needed for their sensitive skin and temperature needs.

Diet and Nutrition

Taking care of your Baldwin guinea pig’s diet and nutrition is essential to ensuring a happy and healthy life for your pet. Like all guinea pigs, Baldwins require a specific diet consisting of hay, pellets, fruits, and vegetables.


One of the most important components of their diet is hay, as it provides the necessary fiber for their digestive system to function properly. Ensure that your guinea pig has access to a constant supply of hay throughout the day.

Vitamins and Minerals

In addition to hay, your guinea pig will need guinea pig pellets to provide essential nutrients like vitamin C, calcium, and other vitamins and minerals. Your guinea pig needs a daily intake of fruits and vegetables to supply these nutrients as well.

Fruits and Vegetables

Some great options for fruits and vegetables include red or green peppers, broccoli, carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, and sweet potatoes. Remember to offer these as treats and in moderation, following a guinea pig feeding guide can help you provide the right portions to your pet.

To give you an idea of what a weekly meal plan might look like for your Baldwin guinea pig, consider the following table:

MondayAlwaysDailyRed pepper, broccoliApple
TuesdayAlwaysDailyCarrot, zucchiniBlueberries
WednesdayAlwaysDailySweet potato, green pepperOrange
ThursdayAlwaysDailyBroccoli, tomatoBanana
FridayAlwaysDailyRed pepper, zucchiniKiwi
SaturdayAlwaysDailyKale, carrot, green pepperMelon
SundayAlwaysDailyBroccoli, sweet potatoPineapple

This meal plan is just an example, and you can tailor it based on your guinea pig’s preferences. Keep in mind that guinea pigs need fresh, washed leafy greens daily, but fruits should be offered in moderation as an occasional treat. Always consult your vet about your guinea pig’s specific dietary needs and adjust the meal plan accordingly.

Baldwin Guinea Pig Care

Baldwin Guinea Pigs


Baldwin Guinea Pigs are hairless, so you won’t need to worry about brushing or haircuts. However, they do require regular skin care. It’s essential to keep their skin clean and moisturized to prevent dryness and irritation. Use a gentle, unscented moisturizer designed for small animals or a pet-safe, non-greasy oil like coconut oil.


Since these guinea pigs lack fur, they can become dirty more quickly than their furry counterparts.

It’s important to give your Baldwin Guinea Pig a gentle bath using a mild, unscented, hypoallergenic shampoo designed for small animals. Bathe them in a shallow container with warm water to avoid stress and ensure their safety. Remember, don’t bathe them too frequently as this can lead to dry skin.

Nail Clipping

Your Baldwin Guinea Pig’s nails need to be trimmed regularly. Aim to trim their nails at least once a month. Keep in mind that nail growth rates can vary depending on factors like age and diet. Use a small animal nail trimmer, and be careful to avoid the quick to prevent discomfort and bleeding.

Dental Care

Guinea Pig teeth grow continuously, so it’s important to provide your pet with items to chew on and help wear down their teeth. Give them access to hay, wooden chew toys, and mineral chews. Regularly check their teeth to ensure they are not overgrown and causing discomfort.


Clean your Baldwin Guinea Pig’s ears regularly with a damp cloth or cotton ball. Be gentle, as their ears may be sensitive. Keep an eye out for signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, odor, or discharge.

Handling and Socialization

Baldwin Guinea Pigs require handling and socialization to keep them comfortable around humans and other guinea pigs. Start by holding them gently with both hands, providing support for their body.

Remember to be gentle, as their skin is more sensitive than that of furry guinea pigs. Gradually increase the duration of handling sessions, and be patient as your pet becomes more accustomed to being held. Also, ensure your Baldwin Guinea Pig has regular interactions with other guinea pigs to maintain their social skills.

Common Health Issues in Baldwin Guinea Pigs

Vitamin C Deficiency (Scurvy)

Similar to other guinea pigs, Baldwin guinea pigs are prone to developing scurvy due to their inability to produce vitamin C naturally.

To prevent this, ensure that your guinea pig gets enough vitamin C through their diet. Include fresh fruits and vegetables, and consider using vitamin C supplements if necessary. Signs of scurvy include lethargy, swollen joints, and difficulty walking.

Urinary Problems

Urinary issues, such as bladder stones and urinary tract infections, can affect Baldwin guinea pigs. Provide them with access to fresh water and encourage them to drink. Additionally, monitor your guinea pig’s urine output and color. If you notice blood in their urine or if they seem to be straining while urinating, consult a veterinarian.

Pododermatitis (Bumblefoot)

Baldwin guinea pigs can develop pododermatitis, which is an inflammation of the footpads commonly known as bumblefoot. To minimize the risk, keep your guinea pig’s cage clean and dry, and choose appropriate bedding. If you notice redness, swelling, or limping, contact a vet immediately.

Respiratory Infections

Respiratory infections can be life-threatening to guinea pigs, including the hairless Baldwin variety. To reduce the risk, maintain a clean living environment, avoid exposure to drafts, and keep an eye out for symptoms such as sneezing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. Seek veterinary care if you notice any of these signs.


Diarrhea can result from an improper diet or bacterial infections. To prevent it, feed your guinea pig a balanced diet with a mix of hay, pellets, and fresh vegetables. Limit high-sugar fruits. If your guinea pig develops diarrhea, consult a veterinarian for advice on treatment.

Mites Infestation

Like other guinea pigs, Baldwin guinea pigs can be infested by mites, causing itchiness, hair loss, and scabs. To tackle this problem, maintain a clean living environment and check your guinea pig regularly for any signs of mite infestation. If you suspect mites, seek veterinary care to ensure proper treatment.

Breeding Baldwin Guinea Pigs

Considerations and Preparation

Before you start breeding your Baldwin guinea pigs, you should be aware of the unique challenges these hairless guinea pigs face. Due to their lack of hair, they are more sensitive to temperature changes and need a slightly warmer environment. Make sure you have appropriate housing, bedding, and temperature control in place before bringing a pair together.

You should also consider your ability to care for pregnant guinea pigs and their offspring. This may include providing enough space, proper nutrition, and veterinary check-ups. Research and prepare yourself for any potential health issues hairless guinea pigs may develop due to their unique genetic makeup.

Mating Process

When you are ready to mate your Baldwin guinea pigs, introduce the male and female into a neutral space. Gradually allow them to interact with each other and observe their behavior. Once they show signs of compatibility and interest in each other, you may move them to a shared enclosure.

Ensure the enclosure has:

  • Adequate space for both guinea pigs
  • Comfortable bedding
  • Access to clean water and food
  • A hiding place for the female

Monitor the guinea pigs’ interaction and be prepared to separate them if they show any signs of aggression or stress.

Post-Birth Care

  • Provide the mother with extra nutrition, such as calcium-rich vegetables, to aid in her recovery and support the growth of the baby guinea pigs.
  • Keep the environment clean and maintain a slightly warmer temperature to accommodate the hairless newborns.
  • Monitor the mother and her babies for any signs of health issues or complications. A veterinary check-up is advisable during this period.
  • When the babies are old enough, gradually introduce them to solid food and eventually wean them off their mother’s milk.

Housing and Cage Size

When it comes to housing your Baldwin guinea pig, it’s essential to provide adequate space for them to thrive and stay healthy.

Cage Size

As a general rule, you’ll need at least 7.5 square feet for a single guinea pig. However, Baldwin guinea pigs prefer having a companion, so if you plan to house two of them, you’ll need a minimum of 10.5 square feet. For three guinea pigs, a minimum of 13 square feet is necessary, while four guinea pigs will require at least 16 square feet. Remember, more space is always better for your pets!

Besides space, your guinea pigs’ cage should be at least 12 to 18 inches tall, allowing them room to stretch and explore without feeling cramped. Choose a cage with a solid bottom to ensure their delicate feet are protected from injury. Wire mesh floors can cause serious harm to guinea pigs and are not recommended.

Here are some essential elements to include in your Baldwin guinea pig cage:

Hiding spots

All guinea pigs need hideaways to feel secure and relaxed. You can provide wooden or plastic hideouts that are store-bought or make your own using cardboard boxes.


A comfortable, absorbent bedding is crucial for your guinea pigs’ health. Choose paper-based or soft fleece beddings to ensure their sleeping area is cozy and clean.


Keep your Baldwin guinea pigs entertained with toys such as tunnels, chew toys, and treat dispensers. Maintaining their stimulation is essential for their well-being.

Food and water

Provide your guinea pigs with high-quality pellet food, a constant supply of fresh hay, and a steady source of clean water in a sipper bottle.


Remember to clean your guinea pigs’ cage regularly to ensure a healthy environment. Spot clean daily by removing soiled bedding, refilling their food, and checking the water bottle. Perform a full cage clean, including replacing bedding and cleaning the bottom of the cage, at least once a week.

Essential Supply List

Here’s a quick rundown of the essential supplies for your Baldwin guinea pig:

  • Cage (proper size)
  • Beddings and cage liners
  • Hut or hideout
  • Portable carrier
  • Hay, water, pellets, and fruits/vegetables

Optional Supply List

When setting up a comfortable home for your Baldwin guinea pig, there are a few optional supplies that can enhance their living environment and make it more enjoyable for them. This list consists of items that are not absolutely essential but can provide extra convenience or luxury. You might notice that there is no leash or harness on this list and that is because it is not necessary for guinea pigs.

Tunnels and Toys

To begin with, tunnels and toys can be a great addition to your guinea pig’s enclosure. These items can provide mental stimulation and encourage exercise, keeping your pet happy and healthy. You can purchase commercial guinea pig toys, or even DIY them using safe household materials like cardboard tubes or paper bags.

Grooming Tools

Next, consider investing in a quality grooming brush. Although Baldwin guinea pigs don’t have fur, they are still prone to dry skin, which requires regular maintenance. A soft-bristled brush can help remove any loose skin and distribute natural oils, keeping their skin in optimal condition. Remember to moisturize your piggy’s skin with pet-safe moisturizer as needed.

Water Bowls

In addition to their primary water bottle, you can include a water bowl in the enclosure for your guinea pig. Some guinea pigs prefer to drink from a bowl, and having access to an alternative water source can encourage more frequent hydration. Just make sure to clean it regularly since guinea pigs can easily contaminate water bowls with their bedding and droppings.


Lastly, a small animal playpen can provide your guinea pig with a safe, controlled space for exercise and exploration outside their cage. This can be especially useful when cleaning their living space or to give them a change of scenery. Playpens are available in various sizes, materials, and designs. Just ensure that it’s secure and the flooring is piggy-friendly, like a fleece blanket or non-slip mat.

Where to Get Baldwin Guinea Pigs

Buying In Online and Offline Stores

You can find Baldwin Guinea Pigs for sale in both online and offline stores. Look for reputable breeders or pet stores that specialize in guinea pigs.

When searching online, make sure to read customer reviews and ask for recommendations from guinea pig communities or forums. It’s essential to find a responsible breeder who takes good care of their animals and follows ethical breeding practices. Check the Baldwin Guinea Pig breeders’ websites for more information on available animals and pricing.

When visiting local pet stores, pay close attention to the guinea pigs’ living conditions. Ensure the Baldwin Guinea Pigs are healthy, active, and have received proper care. Don’t hesitate to ask the store staff about the animal’s health history and any necessary documentation.


Adopting a Baldwin Guinea Pig is another excellent way to bring one of these hairless pets into your life. Rescue organizations, shelters, and dedicated guinea pig adoption groups may have Baldwin Guinea Pigs in need of a loving home. Adoption is a wonderful option, as it helps reduce pet overpopulation and gives these animals a second chance at a happy life.

To begin your search for Baldwin Guinea Pig adoption opportunities, check local animal shelters and search online for guinea pig rescue groups in your area. Reach out to them to inquire about availability, and be prepared for an adoption process that may include an application, interview, and possibly a home visit.

Remember, whether you decide to buy from a breeder or adopt from a rescue group, it’s crucial to prioritize the well-being of the Baldwin Guinea Pig you’re welcoming into your home. Ensure you’re prepared for the responsibility of caring for one of these unique and delightful pets.

Quick Care Reference Table

Baldwin guinea pigs are unique and amazing pets. Despite their lack of fur, they are still lovable and enjoyable companions. To help you with your Baldwin guinea pig care, here’s a quick reference table summarizing their daily, weekly, and monthly needs.

Monitoring Wellbeing  
Vitamin C Supplement  
Cage Cleaning  
Nail Trimming  
Vet Check-Up  

Monitoring Wellbeing

Observe your guinea pig’s behavior, appetite, and health regularly to catch any potential issues early on. Their hairless skin can make them more susceptible to skin infections and injuries, so it’s crucial to keep an eye on any changes.

Vitamin C Supplement

Baldwin guinea pigs need Vitamin C in their diet to prevent diseases like scurvy. You can give them a vitamin C-rich diet through pellets and fresh vegetables daily. In some cases, vitamin C supplements might be needed which can be added to their water.

Vet Check-Up

Regular veterinary check-ups, ideally once a month, can help ensure that your guinea pig stays in good health. This allows early detection and treatment of any potential health issues.


Do Baldwin Guinea Pigs Get Along With Other Guinea Pig Breeds?

Yes, Baldwin guinea pigs generally get along well with other guinea pig breeds. Guinea pigs are social animals, and it’s essential to provide them with companionship. However, it’s essential to introduce them appropriately and ensure they have enough space to live comfortably together.

Do Baldwin Guinea Pigs Get Along With Other Pets?

Baldwin guinea pigs may get along with other pets like rabbits or cats, but this varies depending on individual personalities. Care should be taken when introducing a Baldwin guinea pig to other pets, and supervision is necessary during interactions.

How Much Does It Cost to Buy a Baldwin Guinea Pig?

Baldwin guinea pigs are relatively rare, so their price can be higher compared to other guinea pig breeds. Prices can range from $100 to $250 or more, depending on factors like age, health, and availability.

How Long Do Baldwin Guinea Pig Live?

Baldwin guinea pigs have a similar lifespan to other guinea pig breeds, which is around 5-8 years. Proper care, a balanced diet, and regular check-ups with a veterinarian can help ensure your Baldwin guinea pig lives a long and healthy life.

Are Baldwin Guinea Pigs Easy Pets?

Baldwin guinea pigs are relatively easy pets to care for, but they do require some additional attention. Due to their hairless nature, they need to live in warmer environments and may require extra bedding to stay warm. Regular grooming is also essential to keep their skin healthy.

Are Baldwin Guinea Pigs Better for Indoor or Outdoor?

It is recommended that Baldwin guinea pigs are kept indoors due to their sensitivity to temperature changes. They need a consistently warm environment, which is more easily maintained indoors.

Are Baldwin Guinea Pigs Carnivores, Herbivores, or Omnivores?

Baldwin guinea pigs, like all guinea pig breeds, are herbivores. They require a diet consisting mainly of hay, along with fresh vegetables, fruits, and a small number of pellets to ensure they receive all necessary nutrients.

Are Baldwin Guinea Pigs Rare?

Baldwin guinea pigs are considered a rare breed, making them less common and harder to find compared to other guinea pig breeds.

Do Baldwin Guinea Pigs Bite?

Baldwin guinea pigs may bite if they feel threatened, stressed, or scared, just like any other guinea pig breed. It’s important to handle them gently, approach them calmly, and provide a consistent and calm environment to prevent situations that may lead to biting.

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