Guinea Pig Poop Chart – Everything You Need To Know

Especially when your guinea pig’s poop is changing, you might be asking yourself what that can mean.

Of course, the thought of seeing your guinea pig’s poop change dramatically can ring alarm bells.

Usually, slight changes in the feces structure, color and smell are not too concerning.

However, there are instances when you should definitely seek out a vet and/or change your pet’s environment or diet.

But what causes the poop color, texture, size, and smell to change?

Well, a variety of factors can cause your guinea pig’s poop to look different and these include but are not limited to: Stress, environment, digestion issues, intake of foreign objects and diet changes.

Dietary changes are probably the most common reason for any change in color, texture, size, or smell.

Bloody or otherwise unhealthy stool can also point towards health issues.

Find out how to distinguish good from bad stool and what you can do about possible health risks.

What Does Guinea Pig Poop Look Like?

There are various textures and sizes of guinea pig poo that can point towards the cause.

At the very least, you want to know which kind of poo is desirable and how you can identify this.

There are 6 types of guinea pig poo:

  • Healthy (oval with consistent texture and medium brown color)
  • Clumpy poo
  • Greenish poo
  • Soft or slimy poo (most often accompanied by smell)
  • Tear-shaped poo
  • Bloody poo
Guinea pig poop chart that illustrates the differences between healthy poop and signs of clumpy poop or diarrhea.

If your guinea pig has clumpy poo, gut issues may require dietary change or veterinary attention.

Greenish poo can often be re-digested and doesn’t pose a health risk in most cases.

The unusual green color may look frightening at first glance but luckily, there’s nothing to be afraid of (that’s not always the case though since red or bloody poo can point towards health issues).

The smelly, very soft or even slimy poo is usually referred to as diarrhea and you probably need veterinary attention. If you can connect this to any dietary or environmental change, that’s helpful information.

Tear-shaped poo can be quite small and dry, in which case your guinea pig probably needs water since he or she is dehydrated.

Bloody stool can point toward inflammations or obstructions. Take your guinea pig to the vet to rule out any injuries to the anal tract and treat the cause of this unpleasant bloody poo.

How Much Does a Guinea Pig Poop in a Day?

A concern for some potential guinea pig owners around the world (or at least you wanna know what you’re in for) is how much they actually poop.

Well, it’s not the frequency that’s the real problem here, it’s also not the size.

While guinea pigs do poop quite frequently with 3-4 times throughout the day, their droppings are quite small and thus plentiful.

Some owners report up to 100 droppings per day.

What influences your guinea pig’s poop frequency, amount, and size?

There are several factors that determine your cavy’s poop schedule:

  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Weight
  • Size
  • Age

While pet owners can control the diet, exercise and thus weight, there are components like size that factor into the poop amount. Age can heavily influence the frequency and texture too.

Not only their food will play a role in their poo, but also their water intake.

Guinea pig drinks water from a small bowl.

Making sure that your guinea pig is hydrated at all times will help a great deal with avoiding health issues and it’s even more important after your piggy had diarrhea.

Is Guinea Pig Poop Toxic to Humans?

While your guinea pig’s poo is not really toxic, it is possible that you get infected with salmonella through contact with their feces.

Salmonella can be transmitted from guinea pig to human but if you’re careful when handling your guinea pig’s poo, that shouldn’t be a problem.

If you suspect a bacterial infection, take your piggy to the vet and have him or her checked out.

Also, make sure your clean your guinea pig’s cage regularly as the soiled spots could technically still pose a threat to you in terms of salmonella.

If your cavy has a habit of soiling himself, the fur also needs to be cleaned.

There’s a viral infection that can be passed on from guinea pigs which is LCMV.

However, LCMV is pretty uncommon and your piggy is usually infected by another rodent like a mouse. If your pet was in direct contact with another infected pet, you should ask your vet about what to do.

To sum it up: As long as you’re cleaning your guinea pig and their cage regularly, the poop won’t pose any immediate health risk to you or the rest of the human family.

Why Does My Guinea Pig Poop On Me?

It happened.

Unpleasant for most owners.

Definitely not the kind of greeting you wished for upon coming home.

However, the reason why your guinea pig is pooping on your is probably not related to you directly.

First of all, our furry friends are just not as ashamed of such daring ventures and furthermore, this behavior is actually seen in nature among smaller guinea pig groups.

The reason why your guinea pig is pooping on you can be explained with the fact that they’re digesting the food quite quickly.

This means that when you’re coming home, feed them and then take your piggy out for a cuddling session, you might be shocked to find a little surprise in your lap.

No worries, in most cases this not dramatic.

Furthermore, as your guinea pig ages, it may become harder for them to hold their poop (or bladder).

Calmly clean the soiled spot and make sure your pet’s cage is cleaned regularly too. That’s usually the best way to go as getting upset about it won’t be of any use.

Disclaimer: Of course, it’s always best to have your vet rule out any health issues and this post does not substitute veterinary attention nor does it attempt to do that.

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